Group Classes

M \\ 8:30a Yoga Sculpt at Dancers Workshop

T \\ 6:30a Heated Sculpt at Pursue

W // 7a Sunrise Hatha at Home

1:10pm Restorative at Pursue

TH // 6:30a Sculpt at Pursue

10:30 Warm Yin at Pursue

4:15pm Soul Flow at Home

F \\ 8:30am Strength and Mobility at Dancers Workshop

6:15p Restore at Pursue

  • Sculpt & Yoga at Pursue

    Join me for a gentle restorative flow, a more challenging vinyasa flow or a rigorous sculpt practice that will tone and sculpt every muscle in the body.

  • Yoga at Akasha

    My journey into healing began at Akasha when I did a yoga work trade. Join me for a restorative or lawn yoga class.

  • Core Mobility & Yoga at Medicine Wheel Wellness

    I love the variety of healing modalities offered at Medicine Wheel, join me for a yoga flow or a core workout.


PRIVATE yoga classes

Looking for something a little more personalized? I offer private yoga classes to be held at the studio, outside or at your home. Together we can focus on your personal goals or gather a group of friends together for a fun flow. 


embodied dance

This class is inspired by ecstatic dancing and is intended to help students feel more comfortable in their own skin on the dance floor and in the world, as well as help seasoned dancers embrace their passion and purpose. You will leave feeling empowered, embodied and with a sense of freedom you will want to share!